No enough milk? Our advice to encourage your lactation during breastfeeding.

Women are very different in every area, that’s also the case for breastfeeding. Indeed, some moms made more breast milk than other moms. These moms have more mammary glands and have a storage capacity more important, that’s why they made more milk.
However, the lack of milk is not a fate! There are methods to stimulate lactation and made more milk to feed baby.
1.The food
Food is often the solution for our problem. That also a solution to confront to the lack of milk. There is plants which is “galactagogue”, its has for effect to encourage lactation of breast milk. (Dill, fennel, cumin, green anise…).
You can consume it in different ways :
1. In an herbal tea
2. In your meals to perfume it
3. In food supplement
It is also recommended to drink a lot of water, at least 2 Liter per day.
2. The contact with your baby
During the feed, breast is stimulated which cause peaks of lactaline. That’s why, it’s recommended to feed baby regularly to encourage lactation and milk production.
Moreover, the skin to skin contact also encourage the milk production. Indeed, the only fact of feeling baby against your skin will encourage your hormones secretion!
3. The massage
You can also massage your chest, this helps to stimulate lactation. Make circular movements on all the surface of your breasts. When you have finished, repeat this movement on each breast, turn your nipples with your index finger and your shoot. This action will release hormones and encourage lactation.
4. Positive thinking
When you breastfeed, do it in a comfortable and reassuring environment! Do not think negatively with certain ideas that could slow down the production of breast milk: "I cannot do it" "My baby is short of milk" ...
Stay positive! Do not think about all your daily worries. When you breastfeed, live this moment with him. This is one of your special moments, positive thinking will come to encourage milk production.
Nourriture photo créé par javi_indy -