Choosing your baby's name

Alba, Mia, Jade... Nathan, Léo or Adam... Our first name is the heart of our individuality, one of the distinguishing features that sets us apart. A reflection of our personality, we wear it all our lives, and it has a real impact on how we are perceived by the world.
As parents, we're well aware of this, which is why finding the right name for our little one isn't always easy.
We're all looking for THE name: THAT name that will show him all the love we have for him through this thoughtful choice. Classic, original, atypical or timeless, the possibilities are numerous, and choosing your child's name is an essential step in your pregnancy. It's your freedom; it will reflect your tastes and the future you imagine for your baby. Some parents even opt for total originality by inventing their own first name. But be careful not to be too original, and remember that your baby's name will follow him or her for the rest of his or her life, so it's best to avoid puns that could become tricky to wear in the future. 😊
Sometimes a first name is chosen for a particular meaning close to your heart, a value to be promulgated, like : Clémence, from the Latin "Clementia", meaning "gentleness", "indulgence", or Lucas, from the Latin "Lux", meaning "light".
For some of you, your child's name is obvious from the very beginning of your pregnancy, and you may even have had it in mind for years; for others, it's chosen on the day of delivery when you see your baby's little face. And then, sometimes, the happy parents finally change their minds at the last minute, and little Emma becomes Agathe.
Looking for inspiration? Don't panic!
Today, there are many sources of inspiration. Novels and films are among them, with characters of all names. After all, many people have been named after a fictional character or one of their parents' favorite actors. Isn't that Hermione? 😉
Another source of inspiration, and by no means the least, are books and specialized works, such as L'Officiel des prénoms or Le guide des prénoms. A veritable bible, they list many names and provide valuable information such as their origin, the number of people bearing them in France, and the character associated with them. In fact, we strongly advise you to fall for one of these little marvels, which are a real asset for future parents who are still undecided.
Calendars can also help. Every day of the year celebrates at least one name, giving you over 365 ideas 😉
Websites: the Internet is a veritable mine of information, with a wealth of blog articles, forums and websites to help you make your choice. Every year, you'll find rankings of the most popular first names in USA. It can also inspire you, either because you've fallen for a particular name, or because you don't want a name that's too common.Here are the top 5 of the 2022 First Names ranking :
Top first name for girls
Top surname for boys
1. Olivia
2. Emma
3. Isabella
4. Charlotte
5. Amelia
1. Noah
2. Liam
3. Oliver
4. Lucas
5. Mateo
"Hereditary" names: show your love for a loved one by naming your little one after them. Some "classic" names are beautiful and timeless, but above all they're full of memories for you. Marie, Rose, Jeanne, Hervé or Louis, the name of your grandfather, your godmother or someone close to you takes on its full meaning when you pass it on to your child.
In fact, in France, it's quite common for a person's 2nd and/or 3rd name to be chosen as a tribute to a loved one.
Difficulties in making your choice
Our loved ones
First of all, don't let yourself be influenced in your choice of name. It's not uncommon for tastes to differ within a circle of friends and family, and for the name you've chosen not to please everyone. And that's normal! There's no accounting for taste. On the other hand, you too may not like the name your sister will give her child. But don't let this put YOUR choice into question - you might regret it in the future, especially if the name in question was one you fell in love with.
Of course, constructive comments can be taken into account. After all, your nearest and dearest know you, and they can always give you good advice.
Sounds and puns
It's important to test your child's future first name, both written and spoken, and especially in conjunction with the family name he or she will bear. Sometimes, unpleasant surprises can occur, and puns appear unintentionally. As with one of the best-known: Amy Stake ("a mistake").
In the final analysis, the choice of your child's name depends on your desires and tastes. Clear your head, imagine your little one in a few years' time, talking to him, comforting him, calling him. In your dreams, what name do you call him by? 😊