Elina, a breastfeeding mom, tells us about her experience!

“A wonderful experience as a woman and mother that I was happy to have!”
Elina, a 26-year-old mom, breastfed her three little girls named Aada-Rose, June and Liv. Each mother and baby relationship is different, and it is the same with breastfeeding. This is why we like to share all different stories from breastfeeding moms! Today we are excited to share Elina’s story!
Elina & pregnancy:
It was a dream for Elina to be a mother and to continue on with the same love and bond that she had with her own mother.
“Pregnancy was a dream and a desire. I have a mother so marvelous, lovely and kindly that I was sure I wanted my own children.” Elina is the mother of three girls aged six, four, and the youngest is just two months old!
The first name is the subject of a lot of conversation between parents during pregnancy.
This decision can be a real headache, as the first name can influence our experiences as we grow up. Elina and her companion explain their choices to us.
"The first name we chose was Aada-Rose; we wanted a name that reflects my Finnish origin, Aada was a name we loved and we wanted to complete it with a name that seemed to match the sweetness of the little girl that I already felt in the hollow of me. Our second is called June, because it was perfect, almost like she sent it to us, and it suits her so well. Our 3rd daughter is called Liv because when I was newly pregnant and by the fire with a book we came across this name and although we did not know the sex we truly felt it was obvious throughout the pregnancy. It was Liv and just as we thought, Liv was born! "
Elina & breastfeeding:
"It's been six years since I started breastfeeding and co-breastfeeding.
When Aada-Rose was a little under two years old I became pregnant again and this induced a start of weaning.
It happened very smoothly, she took her last feed around three years old in tandem with June. June is currently breastfed with her younger sister Liv. "
Breastfeeding difficulties:
"I didn’t have any difficulties breastfeeding, but for Aada-Rose, it was very difficult to maintain breastfeeding because she has allergies. We knew this when she was four months old and all the health professionals we had met told us that the problem was simply breastfeeding. But I knew there was a real problem. We finally met a health professional that helped us through it and we have of course continued breastfeeding. "
Breastfeeding a choice?
"For my part, I didn’t think of it as a choice. I never asked myself the question. Months passed and it was evident to me and my husband to continue to breastfeed until nature induced weaning or my children didn’t need it anymore. I’m absolutely convinced that this is natural and right."
Breastfeeding benefits for you?
"There are so many benefits! Breastmilk adapts to baby’s needs, the construction of the brain, and it’s a protection for current and future health. According to my personal feelings, for Aada-Rose who is now weaned, I see it well. I believe that breastfeeding helped her become confident and strong. For me, breastfeeding soothes me, it makes me calmer and more attentive to my body and my needs. "
Your advice for a mom-to-be who wants to breastfeed?
"I would just tell her to listen to herself if she truly wants to breastfeed. Follow your instincts and most importantly do not worry about what other people think. "
Elina & Curve:
Moms know that breastfeeding can lead to inconveniences such as milk loss, which is often unexpected and unpleasant. That's why Curve nursing pads were born to make breastfeeding easier for moms and make it an unforgettable and pleasant experience.
Have you had any milk loss?
"Oh yes a lot the first months, for my first girl maybe three months, my second it lasted two years and actually I have milk leaks now again with my third child. "
Have you used Curve Washable Nursing Pads?
"Yes, I bought them after I had Liv. I use them every day. Curve nursing pads are very absorbent and allowed me to stay dry and not wake up soaked in the morning since I started using the nighttime pads. "
Describe Curve in a few words?
"Surprising, that's why I've already recommended them to my breastfeeding friends."
Thanks to Elina for sharing her experiences and thoughts on breastfeeding with us!
Breastfeeding is a unique experience for every mother who is lucky enough to live it. All breastfeeding journeys are different, so feel free to share your breastfeeding experience with us!