Sarah, a breastfeeding mom, tells us about her experience!

Sarah is a young mother of 31 years old. Already mother of two little boys. She is pregnant with a baby girl who is due for 2019! We all have different life experience, so today we share Sarah's testimonial about her motherhood and breastfeeding.
Sarah & maternity:
In a relationship for 15 years and married since 7 years, Sarah is the eldest of a family of 4 children with very small age differences. Growing up alongside her siblings has always made her want to start her own family.
The ideal picture with her husband? Together obviously and with little toddlers running around them.
"I have always loved kids and been comfortable with them. So being a mom is in the continuity of things! "
Arthur (4 years and a half) and Louis (3 years old) were born from this wish to found a family! And the names of their little boys were not chosen by chance ...
"For our elder we chose the first name Arthur (for the legend, King Arthur) and his middle name, Hugo (for the last name of famous engaged author, Victor Hugo who wrote « The Miserables »). For our second son, we called him Louis (for the story: Louis XIV, King of France during 17 Century... but also and especially for my grandfather Luigi who died shortly after our marriage) and his middle name Paul (for my husband's grandfather, who also died shortly after our marriage). For our little princess: we haven’t chose yet! "
Sarah and her husband have chosen the name of their babies’ according to the historical and literary that are really important to them without forgetting a small tribute to their loved ones!
Sarah & her breastfeeding experience:
"I breastfed Arthur for 10 months. 4 months in exclusive then breast pump / combined with artificial milk. As for my second son Louis, he is still breastfeeding after almost 3 years. "
Breastfeeding difficulties:
"For my first child, It was difficult to breastfeed due to the low training of doctors on breastfeeding. Arthur's weight gain was considered inadequate and I was asked to complete with artificial milk... there followed a confusion that I couldn’t reverse.
For Louis, the second, I became more educated and informed about breastfeeding. Despite a premature birth and a cesarean, my son has never had a single bottle or a single supplement of artificial milk. From the maternity, I pulled my milk to give it in addition because he was exhausted quickly at breast. Better informed, I traced and followed its weight on the WHO curve of breastfed babies and so I was able to assert myself in my choice of breastfeeding to the pediatrician. "
Breastfeeding a choice:
"I didn’t choose a long breastfeeding. I don’t chose to shorten it according to the society standards. . Breastfeeding allowed me with my 2nd to recover much more quickly after cesarean section and to create a link that had been interrupted by traumatic childbirth and the 12 hours of separation. "
Your advice for a mom-to-be who wants to breastfeed?
"To surround yourself with experienced breastfeeding moms. To be supported when you have moments of doubt and fatigue. To consult if they ever have pain because it isn’t normal. And finally: not to be embarrassed by others because breastfeeding is a natural function and breasts are made to feed our children! "
Because today's moms are modern and active, because breastfeeding is often synonymous with constraints, we wanted to rethink it. Curve's goal: make it more accessible and make it an amazing experience.
Have you had any milk loss?
"The first 6 months: day and night!
Thanks to Sarah for sharing her experiences and thoughts on breastfeeding with us!
There is a different life story for each other. We can learn from this motherhood and breastfeeding, so twice a month, find a mother who will give us her vision of maternity and breastfeeding!